dijous, 22 de novembre del 2007

Vídeo de Horkheimer

També a Youtube hi ha un vídeo de Max Horkheimer, de l'any 1969, que podeu trobar a la columna de la dreta. Un usuari (nicam06) n'ha fet una traducció a l'anglès:
This sociology went beyond the critical theory of society conceived by Marx in order to reflect reality more adequately. For, one point is very important: Marx had the ideal of a society of free human beings. He believed that this capitalist society would necessarily have to be [overcome] by the solidarity spelled by the increasing immiseration of the working class. This idea is wrong. This society in which we live does not immiserate the workers but helps them to build a better life. And apart from that, Marx did not see that freedom and justice are dialectical concepts. The more freedom, the less justice, and the more justice, the less freedom. The critical theory which I conceived later is based on the idea that one cannot determine what is good, what a good, a free society would look like in the society which we now live in. We lack the [theoretical, philosophical] means. But we can bring up the negative aspects of this society, which we want to change.
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