diumenge, 20 de desembre del 2009

Simposi Ricoeur, amb Honneth

La Universidade Nova de Lisboa anuncia el simposi Reading Ricoeur: Hermeneutics and Practical Philosophy, els dies 7-10 de juliol de 2010. S'hi detalla en l'anunci:

With the Official Support of the Fonds Ricoeur, the International Institute for Hermeneutics and the Society for Ricoeur Studies.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Axel Honneth (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main), Andrzej Wiercinski (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg) Carlos João Correia (Universidade de Lisboa), Daniel Frey (Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg), David Pellauer (DePaul University, Chicago), Fernanda Henriques (Universidade de Évora), George Taylor (University of Pittsburgh), Gilbert Vincent (Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg), Jerôme Porée (Université de Rennes), Johann Michel (Université de Poitiers, EHESS), Maria Luísa Portocarrero (Universidade de Coimbra), Michel Renaud (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Richard Kearney (Boston College)

This four-day international symposium will aim to pay homage to the influential French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, on the fifth anniversary of his death. Ricoeur’s vast and prolific philosophical career left us with an immense corpus whose hermeneutical appropriation and reinterpretation might still contribute to expand several philosophical areas, if complemented by new theoretical insights. We intend to analyze and further develop what we could call Ricoeur’s Practical Philosophy, that is, his reflections on Ethics, Political Philosophy and Social Philosophy. We welcome papers assessing the contributions of Ricoeurian philosophy in any one of these areas, but also contributions coming from moral, political and social philosophers who are not specialists in Ricoeur, as long as their insights help us explore and rethink the creative possibilities of human action.

Papers dealing with the role of recognition theory in philosophy will be especially welcome as well as, of course, presentations dealing with the areas of hermeneutics indicated below.
The topics of the papers might include, but need not be restricted to: Applied Ethics Critical Theory Ethics and Politics Feminist Theory Hermeneutics and Law Hermeneutics and Literature Hermeneutics, Memory and History Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion Hermeneutics of the Self Recognition Theory Theology Abstracts (approximately 300 words, either in English or French) should be sent to Gonçalo Marcelo, Maria João Coelho and Sara Fernandes (ricoeur2010@gmail.com). The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2010. Submissions should include a separate sheet with the title of the paper, author’s name, contact, institutional affiliation, main research interests and works published. Notification of acceptance will be given by April 1. Final papers will have to be suitable for a 30 minutes presentation.

Honneth, Crítica del agravio moral

L'editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica ha publicat una antologia de textos d'Axel Honneth, amb el nom Crítica del agravio moral. Patologías de la sociedad contemporánea amb la taula següent:

Introducción, por Miriam Mesquita Sampaio de Madureira...9
Nota del editor...49

I. Patologías de lo social. Tradición y actualidad de la filosofía social...51
II. Foucault y Adorno. Dos formas de una crítica a la modernidad...125
III. Lo otro de la justicia. Habermas y el desafío ético del posmodernismo...151
IV. Desarrollo moral y lucha social. Enseñanzas de filosofía social de la obra temprana de Hegel...197
V. Justicia y libertad comunicativa. Reflexiones en conexión con Hegel...225
VI. La dinámica social del desprecio. Para determinar la posición de una Teoría Crítica de la sociedad...249
VII. Autonomía descentrada. Consecuencias de la crítica moderna del sujeto para la filosofía moral...275
VIII. Comunidades postradicionales. Una propuesta conceptual...293
IX. Entre Aristóteles y Kant. Esbozo de una moral del reconocimiento...307
X. La teoría de la relación de objeto y la identidad posmoderna. Sobre el presunto envejecimiento del psicoanálisis...333
XI. Realización organizada de sí mismo. Paradojas de la individualización...363
XII. Paradojas del capitalismo, por Martin Hartmann y Axel Honneth...389
Índice de nombres...423

dissabte, 5 de desembre del 2009

Un repàs bibliogràfic

Boudewijn de Bruin i Christopher Zurn publicaren en 2009 el llibre New Waves In Political Philosophy, del qual hi ha edició en paper i digital. Axel Honneth escriu: "In this volume, a young generation of political theorists and philosophers successfully overcome the established paradigms of political philosophy. In leaving behind problems related to a heavily normative approach to politics, they return to classical problems in our political self-understanding, such as the conceptualization of ideology, engagement with questions of social suffering and human needs, and attention to the subject of politics."

Durant 2009 també ha estat publicat el volum 8é, Einbahnstrasse, de la Walter Benjamin. Werke und Nachlass. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, de l'editorial Suhrkamp, a cura de Detlev Schöttker, autor del llibre Bertolt Brechts Ästhetik des Naiven, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1989.